
Strung Out: 5 Recent Stringer Shots

Think those shots of strung-up bass were a thing of the past? They vamoosed with Model Ts and all that? Not hardly.

Here are five to get you wondering how or why these folks never heard of catch and release.

Well, it's maybe it's okay?

Let's cook 'em up right here in the parking lot!

How's the smallie fishery at Bull Shoals these days?

That's what I want to eat – 20+ pounds of bass from a weedy farm pond.

Aw man – who forgot to educate this kid?



  1. Rich

    February 10, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    Was eating my lunch, now have loss my appetite 🙁

    • admin (mostly Jay)

      February 10, 2011 at 12:52 pm

      Was it a largie sammich Rich?

    • Shaggybass

      February 10, 2011 at 3:27 pm

      Bass Burger?? I stay at resort a week every year on a chain of lakes in MN most guys would flip out to see how many bass get the knife! It’s always those Southern boys who come to catch walleye and can’t so they need to fry something! lol

      • Jason

        February 10, 2011 at 3:50 pm

        We see the same thing in the salt.

        It’s weird because the bass guys will come down and they’ll tell you “I don’t ever keep any bass.” But when they get on the bay they want to keep every trout and redfish they can take home.

        There are some strange mentalities regarding keeping and eating fish out there, especially when you compare them regionally and across species and ecosystems.

  2. Joe Bob

    February 10, 2011 at 6:50 pm

    Sad day, What a travishamockery.

  3. Jeremy Adair

    February 11, 2011 at 4:47 am

    First, I need to say I respect the hell out of this blog and my fellow bassers.

    Second, I wouldn’t consider keeping one of those bass in the pictures above, we don’t see those very often in my area (not speaking for MN generally, just my area of it).

    Third, -and I realize I’m about to get jumped on for this- I hope I am right in making the assumption that the world record bass “mount” that Manabu Kurita caught that Yamaha will be displaying at the Classic Expo is simply a replica, especially considering all the hype and celebration around that particular attraction…

    My point is, where do you draw the line? Is it ok to kill a world record because it’s freakin’ huge, looks bad ass, and is great for promotional purposes (i.e.; personal, and then company profit)? But the -newly crowned- eighth deadly sin to keep two or three 15″ers for a meal out of a lake filled with skinny runts is a travesty?

    I’m not trying to justify the pictures above, I can’t. Not even close. Just trying to bring a different perspective to light. Where is that line that selective harvest is acceptable?

    • Adrian F.

      February 11, 2011 at 8:13 am

      I too may get jumped on here… Let me say that I’m new to reading this blog and that I’m not a pro at all. I’m just some schmo who likes fishing casually, so I’ve never caught bushels upon bushels of bass. And if I did, there’s no way in hell I’d keep and eat ’em all! But when I looked through the pics above (funny caps btw!), I felt a bit guilty about the odd time when I have kept and ate a frypan-sized bass. The ones I catch in small lakes in Ontario taste pretty good! Even though I don’t reel ’em in by the stringer-full, and practice catch-and-release 95% of the time I do fish, is it bad that I keep the odd one here and there?

  4. NW_LouisianaBasser

    February 11, 2011 at 9:16 am

    Really??? As long as people follow state rules and regulations for harvesting bass, crappie, red fish, trout, deer, ducks, etc why should anyone that excersises thier rights be looked down upon? Do I believe in catch-n-release? Yes, and do it 95% of the time. If fish populations in lakes, rivers, oceans are at risk then that’s why we have wildlife and fisheries departments to set slot limits and bag limits. None of those stringers came off of Lake Fork huh? Because just about all of them (except the smallies of course) would have been released.

    • Jacob Robinson

      February 14, 2011 at 6:46 pm

      Yea well im almost positive that he limite is 5 for EVERY state. And all of those pics have alot more than 5.

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