I’m not talking about the Real Mossy stuff for duck boats, I’m talking about camo that actually makes you harder to find on the water. (I am a safety nut with two little kids, so don’t jump all over me for that.)
Two things got me here:
1. I was driving to the office today in some serious fog, and out of the fog comes a grey car, no lights on. That got me thinking about…
2. …the time I fished with a guy on Erie (or was it Ontario?) who had a gray boat. Fugly. I asked him why, and he said because it was harder for guys to find him in a tourney and thereby fish the bent rod pattern.
So then I thought in this age of garishly loud decaled, painted and upholstered bassin’ boats, why not boat camo? Meaning something that would make it hard for other people to follow you, the biggest stick on your pond.
Surely our brethren in the good ol’ US Navy have thought of this? Well, here you go. I’m thinking about letting my daughter paint a bunch of ducks on the side of mine….

April 25, 2011 at 6:41 pm
I’ll design it for a cut of the profits lol
Chad Keogh
April 25, 2011 at 6:58 pm
What? No Klingon-like cloaking devices yet?
Flip 'N' Pitch
April 26, 2011 at 1:20 pm
Extra bonus geek points for combining bass fishing with Star Trek! Nice. What about camouflage with regard to the bass below? Would that even make a difference with them?